Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Reason Behind This Blog

In this contemporary times, most  Filipinos don't already know their History. Worse, they don't even appreciate it. They find it boring and unimportant. More often than not, they're not familiar with the names of great Filipinos. They would only know their heroes because of the streets named after them.

This is the fundamental reason why I created this blog. I want to generate a sense of history for each and every modern Filipino. I hope that the modern day Filipino would be able to read and absorb the fine qualities of these great Filipinos. Moreover, I would like to relive the glory of our heroes especially, the forgotten ones.

In the coming days and weeks, I will be posting the different biographies of our Filipino heroes. You might even be surprised that some of them would seem to be the first time you heard about. I will personally research about these personalities and write something about them.

It's my great hope that you'll find time to read this blog. After all, you cannot advance to the future without looking at the lessons of the past.